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Since 2020 the world is struggling with the Corona pandemic. Different countries impose different rules to protect the health of their citizens.


International students face changing regulations for traveling and studying abroad. Covid-19 makes it all more complicated and sometimes confusing.


We hope this specific page will help you to answer some of your questions regarding Covid-19.


Measures of the Belgian Government


All information and measures of The Belgian Government are available on

This information is regularly updated by the Belgian Government.



Traveling to Belgium


Since 1 February 2021, the colour codes describing the epidemiological situation of the COVID-19 pandemic are indicated on the website. For countries within the European Union/European Economic Area, the colour codes are aligned with those of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).


Third countries are considered to be red zones, with the exception of the countries listed on the website for which the travel restrictions have temporarily been lifted.


The Belgian approach for people arriving in Belgium depends on whether they are returning from a red, orange or green zone. Depending on the country or region you are travelling from, different measures apply after your arrive in Belgium.


  • Red zones are regions or countries where individuals are at a high risk of infection. Upon return from a red zone, additional measures are in force (PLF, test, quarantine, certificates), subject to possible exemptions.


  • Orange zones are regions or countries for which a moderately elevated risk of infection has been identified. Apart from filling in the PLF, there are no special measures in place.


  • Green zones are regions or countries for which a low risk of infection has been identified. Apart from filling in the PLF, there are no special measures in place.


In addition to the colour coding system, there are also special measures relating to the territory of countries classified as very high risk, the so-called ‘very high-risk countries’. These countries are subject to stricter measures : 



Refund Policy


Since many years, Student Housing Kortrijk applies a Refund Policy.

Students who booked a room and suddenly cannot come to Belgium can obtain 100% refund.

This Refund Policy covers also Covid-19 situations.  A specific addendum has therefore been added to the Refund policy.



Corona Proof Behavior


We promote Corona Proof Behavior in our buildings.

Our students live in small bubbles of 4 or 5 flatmates, which makes it fairly easy to comply with a certain Covid-discipline.

It is clear that disciplined behavior of all individuals is the key for reducing the Corona impact on society.  See pdf-file.





For all practical things of living abroad, our students can always rely on our assistance if needed.  

This applies as well for Covid related issues as for quarantine, for getting tested or for getting medical care.





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